서울고총동창회 지부동호회 주소록


fun! happy! Power Social Worker
Wonder Kids,my friends
등록자 최재후 조회수 5908 등록일 2003.07.05

dear miserable guys in California

I couldn't help laughing all the way through reading yr report of golf adventure.

Of course I had a similar experience, though.

But still I have several questions:

you did not make any scoring,so who was the best scorer,etc..

also marvelous wives' result.

Finally ,19th hole episode if possible....

still laughing but hoping joing at Alaska guy in Seoul.

List of Articles
번호 제목 날짜 조회 수
102 나도 싱글?--------------------------------김원명 2010-10-13 2489
101 속도위반--------------------------------------김원명 2010-10-13 2660
100 골프를 도와준 경찰 아저씨----------------------------김원명 2010-10-13 2415
99 미국을 자동차로 달린다.------------------------------김원명 2010-10-13 2501
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95 입산회 10월 정기산행(지리산 무박)-------------------------박승훈 2010-10-13 2395
94 가시오가피세일-------------------------------장선각 2010-10-13 2486
93 6년만의 골프 ----------------------------김원하 2010-10-13 2460
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90 축하 축하--------------------------최재후 2010-10-13 2464
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88 서인회(20회)모임안내-------------------------------이종택 2010-10-13 2376
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86 2003  7월 신우회 모임 리포트----------------------최재후 2010-10-13 2339
85 Ultimate challenge------------------------------SangKyungKim 2010-10-13 2410
» Wonder Kids,my friends--------------------------------최재후 2010-10-13 2349
83 Answer to your curiosity, Jaehoo!----------------------------SangKyungKim 2010-10-13 2340