서울고총동창회 지부동호회 주소록


fun! happy! Power Social Worker
Answer to your curiosity, Jaehoo!
등록자 SangKyungKim 조회수 6690 등록일 2003.07.07

I intended to reveal the hidden story to you more but my report got longer than I
thought, I had to cut it shorter. Since you wanted to hear more about our mishap,
I hope our stupie adventure turn out to be even funnier.

As a matter of fact, all of us was dumbfounded after finishing 18th hole. Firstly the heat
we just confronted was more than enough to make us shudder to fear that we might
be dead if we didn't have sufficient water and ice. Secondly, We sweared never be
such a fool doing this kind of stupid challenge any more. I still have goosebumps just
thinking of that horrible nightmare. We all felt we were like terror-stricken kids, vowing
to their teacher that they will never smoke any more after they are caught in smoking
secretly in a toilet and get suspension.

The first thing we did was gulping the coldest beer in the hotel bar. No beer ever
tasted cooler and tastier than it before!!!!!

The 2nd round in the next early morning coudn't be better: the temperature stayed
quite pleasant level most of the time with a sunny blue sky. We really enjoyed every
minute of it. You can guess how we did: recovering our composure, first, exchange
chitchat, making fun of each other, giggling and shouting like conquerors.... forgetting
all the inerasible memories already.... what a dumber we are!!!!!! The temperature was
around only 90F(32C) when we finished at 11am. I personally thank Sohn, heejung,
a golf mania, who came late only to play 2nd round even though one of his machine
at his photoshop messed up one of his biggest customers films.

As an official judger, I persisted I should keep the 1st scores but they all chanted,
"have mercy and keep the 2nd round score instead, please!!!!" I, as a born-saint,
was forced to accept their solicitation at last. But you can guess they gonna give me
almost the same scores even if they have tons of another chance. Ya, I confirmed
there were nothing new in their 2nd scores even in such a perfect weather.
Kang, Jongku made 8 over as promised to us, the always low scorer. I noticed he
also got extra money from Choi, mansung, Sohn, heejung and Choi,Jongtae.

We plan to go to NO-RA-BANG at night. But we all agreed not to go there this time
after we knew we must drive at least another 10 miles. Our comaraderie was deeper
after this happening. Thank you guys, I want to get much support from you in our next
adventure....... So long, be well.... Sang Kyung

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» Answer to your curiosity, Jaehoo!----------------------------SangKyungKim 2010-10-13 2340