As we become older day by day, the hot topics are usually about well being, mainly healthy life without illness: keep strong, energetic and virile as much as we used be. There are good recommendations on what to eat, how to exercise and how we act. Today, I want to remind us of some important things to follow to be young.
1. Be a tea-lover: You really need only 1 or 2 cups of tea daily to start doing your heart some good - just make sure it's a fresh brew. Both green and black teas contain a concentrated dose of catechins, substances that help blood vessels relax and protect your heart.
2.Exercise- walk, run and maximum workout. It is needlessly to say we should put ourselves in some kinds of workout: at least 30 minutes walk a day which is better than doing nothing but if you want to be healthy, you should do some more intensive and hard drill- run, heavylifting or some other workout with more time and more sweat.
3.Skip soda Its pH is 2.5, worst one which imperils our body to be vulnerable to many diseases. As we know, our body has 7.4 pH when we are born- the perfect neutral status. It slowly becomes lose its balance, continously oxidized due to food, stress, pollution, smoke, overwork, etc., which are the main reason of our many diseases. Water's pH is 7, grain and especially read meats are classified as typical acid pH food while vegetable and fruits are alkaline foods: green tea is about 6-8pH. We should be selective in what to eat, keep our body alkalized, of course taking a good rest, not under oxidant stress so that we have strong immune system to fend off diseases.
4.Strong legs As we grow older, our bones lose its density and become osteoporosis, a common defects for most women: fragile bones are easy to be broken when older people fall. So Lower-body strength translates into good balance, flexibility, and endurance. To strengthen your thigh muscles, repeat this drill: Stand with back against wall. Slowly walk feet out and slide back down until you're in a seated position, with knees 90 degree and stay your back is pressed against wall. If you stay with that sit-down position for 1 minute, you are strong man.
5.Eat purple food Concord grapes, blueberries, red wine: They all get that deep, rich color from polyphenols - compounds that reduce heart disease risk and may also protect against Alzheimer's disease, according to the new research. Polyphenols help keep blood vessels and arteries flexible and healthy.
6.Love your friends Good interpersonal relationships act as a buffer against stress. Knowing you have people who support you keeps you healthy, mentally and physically. We all agree with this and are doing good at it.
7.they're healthy If your closest friends gain weight, your chance of doing the same could increase by 57%, according to a study in the New England of Journal of Medicine. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it's important to associate with people who have similar goals. Therefore, we are responsible for the good or bad of ourselves.
8.Embrace the challenge People who consider themselves self-disciplined, organized achievers live longer and have up to an 89% lower risk of developing Alzheimer's than the less conscientious. We know there is no end in learning and challenging something new.
9.Be a giver A research found out that the patients who are first to give good advices and send cheering messages to the other patient with the same illness get faster recovery than the patients who just take. The joy and peace you have when you do something good to others surely be the elixir of life. Nothing can be better than that in your life.
we should make another goal for being together in the near future, in 5years, 10 years or even another 40 years when we become centenarians. Until then, we should take good care of us..... Love you all.... |