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Deplore unsaid departing ------------------------SangKyungKim

조회 수 11403 추천 수 0 2010.10.16 09:27:06
Deplore unsaid departing
등록자 SangKyungKim 조회수 2320 등록일 2006.12.21

It is sunny and bright today December 20, 2006 for the farewell
service in memory of our beloved friend, HeeJung Sohn. Seeing his body
in a casket was too painful and sorrowful to bear.

Impermanent and fleeting is our life. The presiding pastor said when
we face death, we have three emotion: fate, fear and vanity. Likewise
it is really heart-rending saying farewell to our good friend Hee
Jung, lying there unsaid. He is the first one passed away here in LA.
He is the one who always cheer up our spirit and positive, so much is
our lamentation indescribable. Many times I had a knot growing in my
throat throughout the funeral service. How could we commiserate with
his wife and children over the loss of their father! He took such a
great part in our life indeed. Nothing could fill him in..... But we
could put hope in his three young children who are sure gonna fulfill
their dad's dream.

Almost all the guys living here gathered yesterday and today, about 30
of us. Jong Tae Choi, his best amigo, hurried here from Phoenix,
Arizona. Young Shik Oh, Kyun Kang and Chang Geun SunWoo from San
Francisco Area. We also have sensed that death is not far from us,
approaching to us though unnoticeablly, maybe turning the corner not
far away. We had lunch after service hosted Young Moo Kay, current
chairman of our gangs. We found each other the appreciable change of
an old man, wrinkles, gray hairs, baldness..... I pray that we should
keep ourselves in fine fettle, not for ourselves but for the people
around us: let's add to us encouragement, love, appreciation, help,
care..... I found again the good reason why friends are so good.

I am asked to list up all the members attending this solemn occasion:
Byung Chul Kim, Byung Chul Seo, HeeNam Kang, JongKu Kang, YoungMoo
Kay, MuJin Jung, SukHee Hahn, HongUk Kim, YoungBong Song, YoungShik
Oh. JongTai Choi, SangKyung Kim, ManSung Choi, TaeSung Jung, YounJong
Noh, Hyun Park, JungKil Kwak, InKwan Hwang, InBong Jung, ChangGeun
SunWoo, HyoYeon Lee, ByungShik Kim, InYoung Oh, Kyun Kang, HyungSung
Park, HeeYoung Bae.


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