서울고총동창회 지부동호회 주소록


fun! happy! Power Social Worker

Another day for us -----------------Sang Kyung Kim

조회 수 3007 추천 수 0 2010.10.13 08:54:02
등록자 Sang Kyung Kim 조회수 7548 등록일 2001-10-12

Hello guys! How are you doing today?
Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for Dongsoo's
amazing works to have our own website at last. I have enjoyed visiting here to see
the already grandpa-like faced old men. I noticed many guys have successfully
(?) transformed to the totally different figure from their boyish good looking. Anyway
we'd better use it for our mutual interest and better future.

As you may feel the same, I lost my words seeing the unbelievable tragedy happen a
couple of weeks ago in New York. I was yielded to the deepest sorrow for the innocen
t deads by the merciless inhumanity of the terrorist following with the boiling wrath on
them. I couldn't help crying whenever I watched the horrendous moment of collapsing
WTC: stampeding people from the hell, moaning of the survivals of the casualies and
searching every corner of New York to find their loved one. It was the most
cold-blooded catastrophe in our time.

But time and our forgetfulness heals some of the heart broken mind. Watching the most
invincivle America's pride collapsing in front of everyone, I have again confirmed that n
othing in this world can be dependable always and everlasting but perishes in the end
. Yes, it seems to be right life is nothing but an empty dream.

Bible says, "All flesh is as grass and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The g
rass withers and the flower falls away. But the word of the Lord endures for ever." I thi
nk we, after more than 50 years of experience, admit that we are limited, fragile and mor
tal being: Nothing is secure and certain. We don't know what will come to me very next
moment. I want you to find out what you can really trust, something never changes or
shaken, something true for good, something eternal not man made, something invisible
worth having hope for in your earthly days.

It is merely another day passing now. We are so much closer to our personal ending.
What should we want to be called by wife, kids and friends after death? A lust-
chaser, a money-
seeker, a selfish ego or a wise man who know, grasp and enjoy the never changing tr
uth for his life. We are spiritual being, wanting and seaching something fo fill his empti
ness. We should take care of our soul content with the eternal assurance. All is vanity
to who has not found this secret yet: why don't we start the new wonderful relationshi
p with your creator, NOW.

I wish we shall enjoy the peace of mind no matter what happens to us. Some would as
k whether you do not lose your peace in times of tradegy. If you still have that peace in
you with gratitude regardless of the situation, you may truly be called a winner in a life
long marathon.

War broke out yesterday. Until we have a clear sign of the success of America's militar
y action, the ensuing uncertainty clouds all our life, worsening by the weak global eco
nomy. Reprisal calls another blood but people seeks to justice. We need to have a wis
dom in this time of choas. I hope we all keep our peaceful spirit and appreciate anothe
r given day to us. LOVE YOU ALL, IN HIS GRACE AND LOVE,
from Los Angeles,

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