서울고총동창회 지부동호회 주소록


fun! happy! Power Social Worker
News from Los Angeles alumni: atten: Golfer
등록자 Sang K.Kim 조회수 6609 등록일 2002-04-30

Hello, fellow guys, hope everyone's doing grrrreat!!!!
It was around two or three years since golfers here decided to have
golf together on 2nd Saterday of every two month. Quite recently
since Choon Shik Lee took power of golfer's meeting, he showed his
excellency to force everyone to attend the preset day for golf. We
had fun two times already as scheduled with 15 golfers each time.

Now I want to announce next SPECIAL GOLF TOUR TO MEXICO.
We are going to Bajamar Golf Club, famous for its breathtaking ocean-
view, Mexico's Pebble Beach Golf Club on June 8(Sat) to 9.
If anyone will visit L.A. at that time and want to play golf with us.
Let me know to make reservation for him or couple.

It is near Ensenada famous harbor, so eating SA-SHI-MI at night with
Mexicon Cerbeza(beer). It is about 70 miles from the San Diago
border, from where taking around 1.5 hour drive . I know our
president, Jung Kil Park, once expressed his intention to participate
in this occasion if possible.

Let me Know no later than May 10.
Waiting forward to hearing from many guys and hope to hang around
with us.
Bye IN HIS GRACE, Sang Kyung Kim

List of Articles
번호 제목 날짜 조회 수
42 입산회 7월산행계획---------------------------------박승훈 2010-10-13 2501
41 내책보세요 ----------------------------------------------------장충현 2010-10-13 2837
40 히딩크-----------------------------------------------------김형진 2010-10-13 2773
39 What's the family all about?------------------------------SangKKim 2010-10-13 2388
38 제8회서울고총동창바둑대회 ------------------- 총동창기우회 2010-10-13 2442
37 A touching story---------------------------------------SangKKim 2010-10-13 2610
36 저희 아빠를 도와주셔서 감사드립니다. ------------------- 성담솔 2010-10-13 4076
» News from Los Angeles alumni: atten: Golfer -------------------Sang K.Kim 2010-10-13 2552
34 서울고OB합창단 정기연주회---------------------최봉림(31회)- 2010-10-13 2485
33 우용희의 투병을위하여(2)--------------------------------김성진 2010-10-13 2554
32 우용희의 투병을 위하여----------------------------김성진 2010-10-13 2619
31 김두한 피부과 원장 내일(3월27일) 아침10시 KBS1 TV 출연 총 무 2010-10-13 3744
30 직장연락처 바뀜 장충현 2010-10-13 2459
29 박 선 연락처 2010-10-13 2541
28 독일산 KEIM 미네랄페인트, LIVOS식물성 천연페인트 -----------------박 선 2010-10-13 2772
27 무인측정카메라에 속도위반으로 찍혔다 생각되면... 유명환 2010-10-13 2610
26 - 영화관람안내 - 성두섭 2010-10-13 2721
25 왜 우리 언론은 침묵했을까? ---------------------김세헌 2010-10-13 2563
24 고교생이 지하철길 떨어진 취객 몸던져 구조-----------------zcamp 2010-10-13 2584
23 입산회 2002년1월 산행계획 --------------박승훈 2010-10-13 2975