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things are not changed --윤도상

조회 수 2422 추천 수 0 2010.10.24 22:10:23
things are not changed
등록자 윤도상 조회수 3775 등록일 2008.11.24

Well, I read your message very carefully and I am so impressed/interested the point
what you are trying to give us.
Yes, I agree with you and the particular thing, bad results in University, is definately
better than the first shock related with the old gardian.
However, as we all know well, things are not changed. Please don't even try to
accept the bad results in University alhough it is definately better than first shock,
unless there is no other choices we have.
I think we, especially the guys who graudated the same High School named Seoul,
are not the person to compromise/negoticate easily with the things happened all
around us.
I am so sorry to pick up this poor issue up front of you but I do believe that it is also
one of different point of view we are all faced on.

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