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Physical training --SangKyungKim

조회 수 2604 추천 수 0 2010.10.24 21:58:24
Physical training
등록자 SangKyungKim 조회수 2913 등록일 2008.09.30

I hope everyone should enjoy the blessed life.
As we are almost(?) classified as elders in the society, it can't be
overstated enough to be alert on our health as well as mental
soundness. I know and am surprised to find out most Koreans are busy
for being healthy and young. Please allow me to state some of key
information on how to slow down aging and protect our body from injury.

I have been enjoying running about 8 to 10km in the morning, three or
four times a week for more than one and a half years. Because of my
ignorance of the right way of running as well as protecting muscles, I
have troubled with muscle pains very often. I think most of us never
had professional training for those fields, we are susceptible to get
hurts easily. That's why many people give up doing good exercises,
rather relapse to the old bad habit of doing no workouts.

I find a very good website: www.runnersworld.com, which furnishes
comprehensive information and resources related mostly with running
but there are useful videos and contents such as information on the
perfect running form, injury protection and also nutrition and weight
loss. The site gives the most professional advises we can get for our
health as well as running. It even gives the training schedule to anyone.

I find out that anybody can start running if he follows some important

1.Read and learn the perfect running form first from that site, which
protect you from injuries or muscle pains. you can find the easiest
and effective way of running.
2.If you are a beginner, run as slowly as you walk with breathing only
thru your noses, never run faster than your heart and lung can sustain
the normal condition. Taking a short stride is the key for the beginner.
3.Run every other day because our muscles should take rest at least 24
hours. the tonicity of our muscles are no longer flexible and strong
as we were young, so we need to do some weight lifting when we do not run.
4.Watch the videos for injury protection and exercises for our weak
parts such as ankle, knee, shin, calves and back, and do that exercise
5.As we are not sprinters, what we need are persistence, stamina and
speed. So we should concentrate on getting those three key factors.

We now teeter on the brink of getting ill and senile symptoms. we must
brace for those unwanted days to come. We know health is everything,
can't buy it but achieve it as long as we live like busy bees. I
expect all of us to keep young as long as we can so that we can share
love for the need and do the good things for others. Love ya!!!!!
from Los Angeles...

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